Hemos recibido correctamente tu solicitud de certificado.
Si has solicitado un certificado de ASISTENCIA, lo recibirás por correo electrónico la semana del 19 al 23 de octubre, tras comprobar que has participado a un mínimo del 70% de las sesiones del simposio. En caso contrario, recibirás un mensaje notificando la denegación del certificado.
Si has solicitado un certificado de FORMACIÓN, el próximo lunes 5 de octubre recibirás al email que nos has indicado el test de evaluación, que deberás superar antes de la medianoche del miércoles 7 de octubre de 2020. Durante la semana del 19 al 23 de octubre te enviaremos bien el certificado solicitado, bien un mensaje notificando la denegación del certificado. Si no recibes el test de evaluación antes el lunes 5 de octubre por la mañana, ponte en contacto urgentemente con la organización a través del email: para que podamos subsanar el error lo antes posible y tengas tiempo de superar el test en plazo.
Por favor, no reclames tu certificado por email u otro medio antes del 24 de octubre de 2020.
We have successfully received your certificate request.
If you have requested an ATTENDANCE certificate, you will receive it via email during the week of the 19th to the 23rd October, after we have verified that you have attended 70% of the Symposium’s sessions. If you have not complied with the minimum attendance requirements, you will receive a message notifying you of the rejection of your request.
If you have requested a CONTINUING EDUCATION certificate, on the 5th October we will send you an evaluation test via email, which you will have to complete before the 7th October 2020 at midnight. If you are successful, we shall send you your certificate during the week of the 19th to the 23rd October. If unsuccessful, you will receive a message notifying you of the rejection of your request. If you haven’t received the evaluation test before Monday 5th in the morning, please get in touch with the organisation immediately by sending us an email to We shall take care of the error as soon as possible so that you can have enough time to take the test.
Please do not request your certificate via email or any other channel before the 24th October 2020.