Under the unexpected circumstances we are living due to COVID-19, we have been moved to change our reality abruptly. This is forcing us to reinvent ourselves in order to adapt ourselves to this new scene we are facing, concretely affecting restrictions to traveling and gathering, with the obligation to stay at home.
This is the reason why the European Association of Judges for Mediation (GEMME) has decided to turn its 4th Mediation and Courts Symposium into a digital event.
Gauging the boost of mediation in the new scene post-pandemic
We will be changing not only the layout and title, but we will also adapt our schedule, program, and participation techniques, to meet the requirements needed for this kind of event.
New layout. Both speakers and participants will be connected from their homes sharing a 100% digital space. To get access to sessions, documents and exchanging times, they will only need to download the App to their computers, tablets, or mobile phones.
New dates. Trying to adapt to the challenges of a remote event, we have modified dates by extending activities on a five day plan, so the 4th Mediation and Courts Symposium will be held from September 21st through September 25th, 2020.
New timetable. In order to ease participation for people from anywhere in the world with different time zones, it is also necessary to adapt the timetable, so all sessions will be held between 12.00PM and 6.30PM, Spanish local time.
New program. Our temporary program has been modified by including in the agenda those topics that are now highly relevant and current, due to Coronavirus.
In this sense, we would like to ask you:
Which topics would you be interested in treating in the new program of the 4th Mediation and Courts Sympsium?
Your thoughts are very important, so we ask you to answer through the next
The deadline to participate in the survey ended last Wednesday, May 6 at midnight.
We will shortly present the results.
Stay informed. In a few days we will publish the new program and in a few weeks we will open registration. If you would like to be timely informed, please fill in your contact details.
By clicking “YES. I WANT TO BE INFORMED”, you are accepting our Privacy Policy. We will not send you unwanted information and your personal details will not be transmitted to third parties.
After the initial impact, and once we finally decided to hold the event virtually, we are deeply excited with this new perspective, which is a challenge into an unknown field but will offer many and exciting oportunities.
See you in September? We would love to count on you.
In the meantime, take care and stay home.